
When did you last calibrate your climate chambers?

For service matters, you can reach us on 031–748 33 21 send a request to

LaboTest's service technicians offer you the best possible service by getting to know your particular needs. We service your facilities from our brands Vötsch, Weiss, Heraeus, Thermo Fisher, Fitotron, IMV and Dongling, as well as other available heating, temperature, climate and vibration facilities.

Access to service organization

You get access to a service organization structured as a team, where each employee has their own special skills. All technicians naturally also have the greatest knowledge in service and calibration of heating chambers, drying chambers and other heating, temperature and climate systems.

Examples of what we do

Examples of measures that we offer you are: calibration, validation, adjustment, function check, maintenance, safety check, annual cooling check, emergency service, installation and additions.

We can also offer accredited calibration. Our instruments are calibrated at the national measuring site with traceability to the national standard. We have measurement method descriptions and that our measurement uncertainty calculations are based on the GUM method.

LaboTest AB is/has

  • Accredited as a calibration laboratory according to ISO/IEC 17025 by SWEDAC for calibration in the field or in its own laboratory for the measured variables moisture and temperature. The accreditation refers to the measurement range -70°C – +180°C for temperature and 20 – 96% RH at 10 – 90°C for humidity.
  • Accredited as control body type C according to ISO/IEC 17020 by SWEDAC for testing with positive or negative pressure.
  • Certified for quality according to ISO 9001 and environment according to ISO 14001 by DNV.
  • Company certified for cooling work Category 1 according to SFS 2016:1128 Regulation on fluorinated greenhouse gases, EU 517/2014 and EU 2015/2067.
  • Service technicians who are personally certified for work with cooling and heat pump systems according to SFS 2016:1128 Regulation on fluorinated greenhouse gases, EU 517/2014 and EU 2015/2067.
  • Service technicians who are personally certified for hot work.
  • Certified and authorized, at expert level, by Weiss/Vötsch to carry out service work on units manufactured by Weiss Umwelttechnik GmbH and Vötsch Industrietechnik GmbH.
  • Connected to FTI (packaging and newspaper collection).

The accredited and certified service originates from our offices in Gothenburg and Stockholm.

Christer Söderlund

Christer Söderlund

Service manager

08-510 63 792

0705-15 51 66

Anders Isberg

Anders Isberg

Service technician

08-510 63 793

070-519 08 91

Torgny Lindqvist

Torgny Lindqvist

Service technician

08-510 63 791

072-453 09 19


Alexander Linder

Service technician

08-851 063 797

070-636 90 50

Kari Pousar

Kari Pousar

Service technician

031-748 33 28

072-092 39 09

Martin Petterson

Martin Petterson

Service technician

031-748 33 29

072-401 47 29

Peter Jämtander

Peter Jämtander

Service technician

031-748 33 27


Peter Sundfors

Technical sales supervisor

031-748 33 24

070-212 04 40

Evelina Nordén

Jesper Andersson

Service technician

031-748 33 26