Climate chamber

Climate chambers are devices used to simulate different climate conditions to test materials, products or electronic components. They are often used in various industries such as manufacturing, electronics, research and development, where it is important to test the products under realistic conditions.

Climate chambers are devices that can simulate different climate conditions such as temperature, humidity and air pressure. They are often used to test product performance and durability under various conditions, such as extreme heat or cold, humidity or dryness. Climate chambers are available in different sizes and can be used to test products from small electronic components to large vehicles.

Laboratory climate chambers are a smaller version of climate chambers and are most often used to test smaller products or electronic components. They can simulate different climate conditions, but are usually not as advanced as climate chambers and have a limited temperature range. Laboratory climate chambers are often easier to use and do not require the same space as a climate chamber.

All climate chambers are used to test the durability and reliability of the product under different conditions. They can also be used to perform different types of environmental simulation, such as simulating the effects of different climate changes or testing the product's performance under different weather conditions. By using climate chambers, you can ensure that products are as good as possible before they are launched on the market.

By using our products, you can create required conditions that reflect reality in the field of Environmental Simulation. This makes it possible to test materials or electronic components under controlled conditions of temperature and humidity, which is important to determine any weaknesses or age-induced damage under realistic conditions.

5 reasons why you should use a climate chamber

Using a climate chamber can be very beneficial for a variety of industries and applications. Here are some reasons why you should consider using a climate chamber:

  • Test product durability and reliability: A climate chamber can help you test product durability and reliability under various conditions, such as extreme heat or cold, humidity or dryness. This can be important to ensure that the products will perform as they should in different conditions and that they will last longer.
  • Simulate different climate conditions: A climate chamber gives you the opportunity to simulate different climate conditions and thus test the product's performance under these conditions. This can be important to determine any weaknesses or age-induced damage to the products in advance.
  • Improve the quality of the products: By testing the products under different conditions, you can identify and fix any problems before the products are released to the market. This can help you to ensure that the products you sell are of high quality and that you minimize the risk of customer complaints.
  • Comply with industry standards and laws: Many industries have specific requirements and standards for product performance and durability under various conditions. By using a climate chamber, you can ensure that the products meet these requirements and laws.
  • Save time and money: Testing products under different conditions can be time-consuming and costly. By using a climate chamber, you can simulate different conditions in a fast and cost-effective way, which can help you save time and money in the long run.
Climate chamber

ClimeEvent Walk-In -
Our largest climate chamber

ClimeEvent's climate chamber helps you to evaluate how temperature and humidity affect the properties, function and lifespan of your products. ClimeEvent places high demands on performance, quality and usability and offers a new, future-proof refrigerant that guarantees high future security while being extremely environmentally friendly and user-friendly. ClimeEvent's climate chamber is easy to configure thanks to its modular system, and the wide range of options allows us to adapt the solution to your individual needs, resulting in perfectly coordinated complete solutions that meet the highest standards in your industry.

Read more about ClimeEvent Walk-In

Climate chambers, ClimeEvent 2

Climate chamber, ClimeEvent 2

  • Test space: 195 l to 608 l
  • Temperature range: +10 °C to +95 °C
Climate chamber

Climate chamber, ClimeEvent

  • Test space: 180 l to 2000 l
  • Temperature range: -70 °C to +180 °C T
  • Temperature change rate: 3 K/min med option upp to 25 K/min
  • Humidity range: 10 % to 98 % RH
Climate chamber, LabEvent 34-150 litres

Climate chamber, LabEvent 34-150 litres

  • Test space: 34, 64, 100 and 150 l
  • Temperature range: -70 °C to +180 °C
  • Temperature change rate: 3 or 5 K/min
  • Humidity range: 10 % to 95 % RH
Stability tester Pharma

Stability test

  • Test volume: 280, 600, 1300 and 2000 l
  • Temperature range: +5 °C to +60 °C
  • Humidity range: 20 % to 90 % RH

External test spaces

If the product you intend to test does not fit into one of our standard solutions, the test object can be placed in an external test area. This external test area is provided with an external air conditioning unit. These can be customized to the customer or designed and manufactured to meet specific requirements.