Vibration test and Vibration chamber

A vibration chamber is a type of test equipment used in industry to conduct vibration tests. In other words; you can supplement your vibration test with a chamber that controls the temperatures and climate conditions the products will be exposed to during standard use. This makes it possible to test the reliability and durability of the product before it is released on the market.

Vibration and temperature chambers are often used together to simulate realistic conditions of use for the products. Together, they help identify any flaws or inaccuracies in the product's design before it is released to the market. This can help reduce the number of errors and also reduces the cost of fixing these problems later.

There are various methods of conducting vibration tests, including sinusoidal (harmonic) vibrations, random vibrations, and impulse vibrations. Each method is used to simulate different types of vibrations that a product may be exposed to. There are also different standards and specifications that must be followed in vibration testing, depending on the product's area of use and industry.

It is important to note that there are many different types of vibration and temperature chambers that may be more suitable for specific product types and applications. At Labotest, we help you find the right product according to your conditions.

How to conduct a vibration test

A vibration test in a vibration chamber is performed to simulate the vibrations that a product may be exposed to during standard use. This may include vibrations from transporting, handling or operating the product. The test helps to identify any flaws or inaccuracies in the product's design before it is released to the market, and can help reduce the number of errors and also reduce the cost of fixing these problems later.

There are a few basic steps to conducting a vibration test in a vibration chamber:

  • Preparation: Before the vibration test begins, it is important to prepare the product and the vibration chamber. This may involve cleaning the product, preparing the instrument and checking that it is in good condition.
  • Place the product on the test platform: Place the product on the test platform of the vibration chamber. It is important to ensure that the product is properly clamped and that there are no uneveness or uneven weights that could affect the results of the test.
  • Enter test parameters: start the vibrations by setting the frequency and amplitude of the vibration generator, commonly called shaker. It is important to note that the vibrations to be simulated depend on the product and its specific area of use.
  • Run the test: Start the shaker and run the test. It is important to note that the vibration test should be performed under the conditions common to the product, such as the temperature and humidity of the chamber.
  • Collect data: Collect data during the test, this can be done using instruments or sensors to measure the vibrations. This data can then be analyzed to see if the product meets the requirements to stay in place during the vibrations.
  • Evaluation of results: Evaluate the results of the test to determine whether the product is reliable under vibration or whether there are any problems with the product's design that need to be addressed before it can be released to the market.
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