Vibration control system



The Vibration Research PC based vibration control system VR9500 has performance and features unmatched by any other similar product on the market. Vibration Research's control system is super stable through its Ethernet interface and is equipped with a high-speed RISC processor, which can handle large amounts of data. Do you need a new control system or do you need to replace your old control system, then do not hesitate to contact us for a demonstration.n



The VR10500 is absolutely not a replacement for the VR9500 control system. The VR9500 remains the best in its class for any 4, 8 or 12 channel control system. However, the new control system VR10500 is better suited for 16 channels and above. That being said, new advancements have been made for the VR10500 which is more powerful, has more input and output channels with unique features that will continue to set Vibration Research apart from the competition.