

Viatran is a world-leading supplier of innovative pressure and level transmitters. Our precision sensors and robust pressure transmitters provide repeatable measurements over a wide range of pressures and temperatures. Viatran pressure sensors offer mV/V, voltage and 4-20 mA outputs along with a variety of electrical connections and pressure port fittings. Our pressure sensor product families include standard pressure transmitters, high pressure transmitters, differential pressure sensors, submersible pressure sensors, process pressure sensors, sanitary pressure transducers, pressure mounted pressure sensors, heavy duty pressure transmitters and specialty pressure sensors.

For half a century, Viatran has solved pressure, level measurement, extreme temperatures in some of the toughest application environments - highly corrosive media, damaging cyclic pressure and severe shock and vibration. Viatrans pressure sensors and level gauges are designed for applications such as oil and gas services, steel production, food and medical equipment, foundry, chemical production and various automotive and aerospace testing. Viatran offers a variety of high-pressure transducers and transmitters with high accuracy in mV/V, V, mA and digital outputs to meet your varied requirements. Our high pressure sensors are between 0.1% and lower. In some cases, the high accuracy is fixed; and in other cases, high accuracy is an option.